The reporting policy of APS includes the credit system where credit is granted when a course scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours is successfully completed. If a student has completed a course but has failed to achieve the passing level, no credit will be granted. In this case, the teacher will determine the best way to enable the student to earn credit for the course which may be done at summer school or by repeating the entire course. If a student of grade 11 or 12 courses withdraw within a minimum of five instructional days before the issue of the first provincial report card, the withdrawal is not recorded on the OST. A report card will be provided to the student and parent twice per course, one mid-way through the course and one at the end of the course. A report card will be given to the student’s parent/guardian in a parent-teacher interview. The report card will be issued within 5 business days of the completion of the course in question. The parents/guardian may request a copy of the student’s OST if applicable. The OST will require up to 3 business days to process. APS uses the provincial report card to communicate progress to students and parents.

Other policies for APS: